Thursday, October 13, 2011

Best Free Games of the Week

Hey guy's,

It has been a while since I posted (got tied up in Minecraft and other things). So after playing lots of free games, I thought I'd do a list of best free games on the net. I'll do this every week. The order is going to be worst to best. Here we go!

Number 5:
Dead Metal
Play it here
Get ready to shoot 'em and blow 'em up.
The object of the game is simple. Destroy all the ships before they destroy you. The first few levels you'll breeze through. However, once you get to the real challenges, it can get frustrating. If you don't upgrade your ship, you really can't progress. Towards the middle of the game, I found myself constantly grinding for scrap to upgrade my ship so I could move on. And that's not really fun. Another thing is that there are some bugs. If you have your back against the wall you guns don't seem to respond (for some ships). All in all, if you are a true trigger happy person then this is up your alley.
5 out of 10
Replay rate: Normal

Number 4:
Link is here
Minecraft+Terraria+An under world to explore
Scuba is great but lacks some in spots. Before I go to the cons, however, I'll start out with the pros. Scuba is basically Minecraft. Only you have an objective which is you need a motor get your ship running again. But in order to do that you need to mine for things to make better tools to, well, mine. This is necessary in order to progress to make your motor. I found this game a little tedious, however. With a low supply of certain things to mine for trying to make what you need can get to the point beyond frustration. Also, another lacking thing was that there was no way for you to get health without making the swim back to your ship. The game is great though. I liked it from the start, but over time it can get a little old.
5 out of 10
Replay rate: Okay

Number 3:
Victory is here
How fast can you get to the top?
The object of the game is simple. Get to the top of the screen before the giant walls close in and crush you. This is a pretty good game. It has some really puzzling challenges, but it's not really that memorable. I beat the game in about forty five minutes to thirty minutes. It's fun the first time, but it really isn't great the second time you play it.
5.5 out of 10
Replay rate: Moderately low

Number 2:
Portal the flash version
Go through the portal here.
All the greatness of portal in a flash version
You start out as test subject 15837, and you are given the ASHPD (Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device). Your cursor is now a cross-hair where you can set up where you want your portals to go. By pressing Q and E, you can choose which portal you want where. As always, Portal gives you daunting puzzles that may seem tricky at first, but there are those 'Ah-ha!' moments that keep you locked in. With that said, there are some times where you want to just throw the computer across the room in frustration. The game hosts forty levels of relative difficulty that are quite cleverly portrayed to really make you think with the portals. However, there are many bugs in the game that can sour the experience.
8 out of 10
Replay rate: Good

Number 1:
Exit Path
This way to the website
Mirror's Edge in 2D well kind of
Let me begin with the campaign. Not much of a plot simply finish the game as fast as you can. Flying through levels, bouncing on trampolines, running on treadmills for extra speed, and clearing near impossible jumps with Flow makes this game fun and exciting. The game play right off the bat seems almost impossible in a good way. With humungous gaps that are way too much for you to jump alone. The impossible becomes possible with the help of Flow. Flow acts like a speed boost in air or on ground, so you get pushed to go twice as fast. You get Flow from how smooth and how fast you move throughout the level. It took some time for me to get used to the trampolines. You have to hit the up arrow key in time with the impact of the trampoline. It can get annoying when you forget to do this when trying to jump over lasers and whatnot. Another cool feature is the slide feature. When you tap the down arrow you perform a slide which allows you to go below low hanging objects making for better speed and movement. The lack of double jumping rubbed me the wrong way though.
Okay, so let's say you do finish the campaign as fast as you can. But did you collect all of the signs? Throughout the entire campaign are signs scattered everywhere. There are thirty signs in all. When you grab them, you get customizable gear for your player. It's not much of an achievement, but it does make the levels a little tougher as you go out of your way to obtain them.
Okay, now what? You've got all the signs, the best times, and everything, but the game doesn't stop there. You can test your skills against people across the net. The multiplayer racing is simple. You race people across a series of levels to your hearts content. The thing I don't like is that there are no experience separators. So you can get caught up with a bunch of newbies or top of the line pros. The lobby is really simple, and the lack of color is a bit of an eyesore. After every match, you can give kudos to the guy that beat you at the finish line or had a fun time racing. For every kudo and race you earn XP. Although, it doesn't do anything for you but give you a name plate. All in all, this game is a heavy hitter.
8.5 out of 10
Replay rate: High

Well that's it. Let me how I did or if you have any recommendations for a great game. My Google plus is Thatrandomsuperfly so either comment there or at the blog.