Thursday, November 17, 2011

Best Free Video Games of the Week

What's up guys,
I'm going to list this weeks best video games of the week. I think I'll change the title to BFVGW what do you think?

Number 5:
Metroid or Castlevania with a birds eye view.
Robokill is an interesting game. At the beginning of every level you are given an objective which is shown on your map. The goal is simple you move towards the objective while trying not to die. The beginning is kind of dull but if you stick with it the game gets more interesting as you level up your weapons. But after level 1 you kind of have to be at the best you can be to continue because after level 1 the fun and games are over. If you like to explore a lot and try to answer puzzles and whatnot then the game is for you. Otherwise, don't bother playing. Another thing is that got me is that if you return to the main menu they wipe away everywhere you went off the map. Meaning you practically start over.
Replay rate: Low
1 to 10: 6
Link here.

Number 4:
Shell Shock Live
Tanks, Chat rooms, and tactics.
In shell shock live the game is straight forward you fire at opponents racking up as many points as possible before the time limit. Gameplay is fun and it takes a few minutes to get the hang of. The reason it's named Shell Shock Live is because you never play any bots or CPU's. It's all with live people playing somewhere else. Now this gives the game an unpredictable aspect. You can't really tell what the other person will do. The game is also really social with a chat room in the lobby and during the game. You can also talk privately with your team mates as well. The few things bad with this game is that to level up you have to grind like mad for XP. And that can get tiring. Another thing is that if you start out you get cursed out pretty bad because no one takes well to noobs. Although there is a profanity filter it sure didn't seem to work for me. You can mute that person if you wish though. I don't really get mad about the cursing and stuff so if it doesn't bother you then start playing it. Another thing that was kind a weird is that there is no free-for-all. It's always with a team.
Replay rate: Okay
1 to10: 7.5

Number 3:
One Step Back
Racing against yourself.
One Step Back is a really neat game. You play as a guy in blue who runs for the exit. Easy right?  The puzzling twist to the game is that when you run another you comes from the door and you can't run into him(or you?). The first few levels you'll pass by with ease but the game gets challenging as you progress. However, the challenges don't really get tough in the good way. Some of the puzzles don't really need you to problem solve or think about some are about rhythm and others about something else. Not only that but the wall hopping is extremely sensitive, and can screw you up if you are doing a rhythmic puzzle. The maps can get to the point where you would want to pull your hair out, and answering the puzzle doesn't feel that rewarding because you dread what's coming up next.
 Replay rate: Good
 1 to 10: 9

Number 2:
A Puzzle/platform with a twist.
Describing this game is pretty tough. You have to play it to understand but, I'll try my best. Continuity is a game where you play as a little man stuck in these boxes you shift around to get to the exit. The switch between puzzle to platform is seamless. What you have to do is get the boxes set up to the exit for you to complete the level. The puzzle are challenging but not hair pulling. I never found the game dull in the least.
 Replay rate: Moderately high
 1 to 10: 9.5

Number 1:
Where am I
Well where are you?
Take a maze and then make the walls invisible only when you crash into them. You then get Where am I. You play as this dot and navigate through mazes by crashing into walls which light up on impact. There is no time limit or lives. The game is fun and puzzling but not crazy tough to get through. It takes a lot of trial and error before you escape the maze. I found the game simplistic and fun.
 Replay Rate: Moderately high
 1 to 10: 9.75
You are here.


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